*-- Flight Log --*

ATC in Guam (その2)  No.20

Agana tower, Cessna *****, over Pago bay inbound for landing.
Cessna ***, report 2 miles Right Base.
Cessna ***, report 2 miles Right Base.

(2 miles Right Base)
Cessna ***, 2 miles Right Base.
Cessna ***, wind 080 at 10, Runway 6 right, cleared to land.
Cessna ***, cleared to land Runway 6 right.

(After landing)
Cessna ***, turn right at Delta, contact Ramp when off.
Cessna ***, turn right at Delta, contact Ramp when off.

(Off Runway 6R)
Ramp Control, Cessna *****, taxi to South Ramp.
Cessna ***, proceed to South Ramp.
Cessna ***, proceed to South Ramp.

** HOME **


shiromuku(e3)DIARY version 1.20